Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Destiny Waits to Unfold

According to your life, your duties have been prescribed for you; follow them and your desires will be naturally fulfilled.

  1. If you feel you are stuck in your work right now, whatever it is, keep on doing it with dedication and devotion.
  2. There is a reason for you being there.
  3. Lessons for you to learn.
  4. Your total commitment to your present work and the experience you accumulate can serve as a springboard for the unfolding of your greater destiny.
  5. Early rejection and failures do not limit us from later achievements.
  6. Life comes full circle.
  7. Be aware that there is a divine plan for your life that waits to unfold in the course of life itself.
  8. Consciously tune in to every incident that comes into your professional and personal life.
  9. Treat each Incident with the eye of a good detective and try to unveil the mystery of your fate.
  10. This is the first and the most essential step in discovering your destiny or your life path.

Allowing an Occupation to Choose You

Many teachers preach that you must do what you love, then you will be very good at your job. This is only part of the story. Most people have not reached a clear state of realizing exactly what they love to do and what they are good at. These people need to go through a period of discovery.
  1. How can I find out what kind of occupation is best suited for me?
  2. Seek in your mind and in your soul the vocation that will satisfy you both spiritually and materially.
  3. The key here is "while performing your present duties"
  4. Most of us do not have the luxury to quit our work and go out searching for ourselves for an indefinite period of time.
  5. Your very station in life is often the best place to provide answers to your unanswered questions.
  6. Give everything you've got to the job that you are doing.
  7. You will feel good about yourself.
  8. Your daily satisfaction will work as an anchor for greater accomplishments.
  9. By diligently performing your duties, you may shorten the time it will take to learn whatever lessons await you from working in that position.
  10. Your next stage of progress may be revealed.
  11. Perhaps you even get fired from your job for being a threat to your immediate superior. Then you know for sure that the universe is saying that "you've stayed too long on this job and something better awaits you now."
  12. In any case, the result is that you will create movement in your life that will lead you to the next level.
  13. Do not get discouraged.
  14. Everything you have ever learned or spent time doing can be used for your future.
  15. There is a reason for everything even if its not clear to you at the time.
  17. Patience is the greatest of all virtues. Give life time.

Acceptance and Surrender

By simply being aware that there is a Divine plan for your life that waits to unfold in the course of life itself
  1. The opportunity for victory is provided by the enemy.
  2. Once a good commander has fully utilized all his facilities to win the battle, then he awaits the opportunity for victory to be provided by his enemy.
  3. Once you have done everything within your power to realize your life's vision, all that remains to be done is to graciously accept the outcome and proceed.
  4. The efforts of mere humans to mold the outcome of a given situation are nothing compared to what Heaven can do.
  5. When things don't turn out as expected, it may just be a blessing in disguise.
  6. When I practice acceptance and surrender, I will never be the same again.
  7. Learn this principle, you never know what awaits you in its intricate and mysterious weavings.

Pre-Destiny and Self-Effort

It is impossible to attain true spiritual perfection if you have avoided discovering the path by which you can contribute to society as an individual
  1. Do you think life is pre-destined or the result of self-effort?
  2. Nature equips a bee with everything it needs to fulfill its intended destiny.
  3. Your background is the training necessary to prepare a person for successful journey through life.
  4. If you come from a humble background, rather than this being a disadvantage, can actually contribute to your success.
  5. Our lives are carefully guided by unseen forces that govern and control every aspect of the universe.
  6. These mysterious workings are designed to facilitate our personal growth and fulfillment.
  7. It is possible that self-effort which incorporates human will, desire, and ability, is part of predestination. However, this predestiny cannot unfold on its own accord. Something else is needed.
  8. You must make the effort to bring it to reality.
  9. Therefore, Predestiny and Self-Effort are two wheels on the same cart.
  10. Self-effort is the only thing that we can count on in our day-to-day lives. So make each day your masterpiece.

Self Effort

Hunan beings efforts to mold the outcome of a situation is nothing compared to what Heaven can do.
  1. The quest for harmony
  2. Self Effort does not mean blind effort.
  3. Use your judgement when applying the principle of acceptance and surrender.
  4. This does not mean giving up.
  5. Find the harmony within oneself in order to regather the necessary strength and move on to the next level of life.
  6. Tenacious Determination
  7. We have seen the enemy and he is us.
  8. In the battle of life, you are the enemy, and you are the warrior.
  9. As long as you are fighting, you are winning.
  10. A single victory will strenghten your resolve and provide you with the strength for the next win.
  11. Never let go of the fight.
  12. God seems to be content with his wholly imperfect world.
  13. He watches us, as we draw upon all our faculties in an effort to preservere and overcome the obstacles within and around us.
  14. Life is a school, There is no quitting
  15. God demands that his children be the best they can be.
  16. Failing this course is your liveliness and happiness.
  17. As long as you are fighting the battle tenaciously and courageously, the magical, unseen hand of the Divine is there to aid.
  18. All good things come to those who strive with patience
  19. Our sense of self-limitation did not form overnight.
  20. We require patience to readjust our course.
  21. Dripping water, in time, will cut a hole through the stone.
  22. Be in tune with your natural instincts.
  23. Hear only the pure voice of our Divine Maker.
  24. Whenever we are willing to listen to the criticism of others, there is never a shortage of volunteers.
  25. If you have self-determination and self-effort, no one can keep you from manifesting your true destiny.
  26. The mystery of a towering fruit tree lies dormant within a tiny seed.

Be True to Yourself

Be true to your life, true to your desires
  1. The importance of searching for and discovering your proper and true role in life
  2. It is vital to discover what is right for you and to be able to put your plans into action
  3. You must follow through with your plans and accept and endure whatever consequences occur.
  4. Know when to make appropriate adjustments and have the courage to do so as each level of life unfolds and reveals itself.
  5. The only person you are required to please is yourself.
  6. It is impossible to attain true spiritual perfection if you have avoided discovering the path by which you can contribute to society as an individual.

God has Spoken, Were you Listening

If God himself would just speak to me and let me know what He really wants me to do, I would be delighted to do that, no matter how meaningless and humble the work.

  1. Mankind is notoriously too dense to read the signs that God sends them from time to time. We require drums to be beaten into our ears before we would wake from our trance and hear the warning... Mahatma Ghandi
  2. Allow yourself to discover your true destiny.
  3. Some people say, "If God himself would speak to me, let me know what he really wants me to do, I would be delighted to do that, no matter how meaningless and humble the work."
  4. God has spoken, but were you listening
  5. The missing piece is the understanding the work they are performing right now in the context of the bigger picture of their destiny.

Being a Good Employee

The role of the employee is to support the employer wholeheartedly. If you cannot support the company you are working for, quit your job.
  1. Support the employer wholeheartedly
  2. Your employer may not be perfect, smart, or worthy of your service, but by your act of working at your particular company, you have entered into an unwritten contract of support.
  3. If you don't like the company that you work for, quit your job.
  4. If you choose to stay and draw a paycheck from that company, ethically, you don't have the freedom to sabotage the company's morale through your constant expressions of dissatisfaction.
  5. You are duty bound to present any constructive suggestions that occur to you.
  6. If you are rejected and you feel that you no longer can serve the company without certain changes being made, then you have the choice to exercise your courage to resign your job.
  7. The choice must always be yours.
  8. Criticism is the hallmark of a lack of inner harmony.
  9. Due to his unceasing criticism from within, he was in turn abusive to others.
  10. The one who finds faults in others is always first unconsciously finding fault in himself.
  11. Like an undisiplined dog, the person's mind is out of control.
  12. It leads the owner in all directions, yet it has no idea where it is going.
  13. It finally makes a victim of its owner.
  14. Success includes support.
  15. It is essential to find someone who is willing to support you unconditionally in fulfilling your dreams, or else realize that you and your mind must form your own support troops.
  16. Without support in the tough competitive world of business, the task of achieving extraordinary success will be extremely difficult.


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